Letter to Editor: Local artist seriously injured in car accident



I just learned that local artist, John Patterson, fourth generation San Luis Valley farmer and junk sculptor, was badly injured in an accident on Nov. 12. He was flown to a hospital in Colorado Springs where he underwent several surgeries to repair bones and internal organs. Patterson is going to make it, but it was touch-and-go.

Patterson’s “Farm Art” is all over Monte Vista, first in Cooper the Whooper in front of Safeway, and in all the beautiful, whimsical new bicycle racks all over town.

Patterson will not be welding for a while as his rehab will be complicated, long and expensive. His daughter has set up a GoFundMe — https://gofund.me/003195d0 —  to help John deal with the costs of regaining his abilities and return to his welding shop.

Martha Kennedy

Monte Vista