Holder family awarded Adamson Award

SLV Health Foundation holds Bolos and Boots


ALAMOSA — In an emotional acceptance, members of the Larry Holder family were awarded the 2022 Adamson Award during the SLV Health Foundation’s 18th annual Bolos and Boots fundraiser Friday at the Alamosa multi-purpose center.

This year’s event drew over 165 attendees and raised an estimated record of over $70,000, this year targeting the expansion of the pharmacy at SLV Health to provide for better cancer treatment.

The Adamson Award is given annually to an individual, organization or group that supports the mission and vision of the SLV Health Foundation.

Since 2016, the Holder family has supported the foundation with funds raised from Larry’s 2015 memorial (in lieu of flowers) they donated over $ 10,000 to purchase “caregiver chairs” for the SLV Health Cancer Center, according to Kelly Gurule, director of the foundation and volunteer services.

They continue to support the Foundation by hosting and running an annual glow ball tournament held at the Monte Vista Golf course (3 years). The funds from this event are used to fund the Larry Holder Exercise and Cancer Survivorship Program. This exercise program is run by Adam State University’s Department of Kinesiology.

An Appreciation Award was also presented to Dr. Jason Allen, who has been a radiologist with SLV Health since 2015, with the support of his wife. He also served as the medical director for the Stephanie L. Miner Women’s Imaging Center for three years.

According to Gurule, he has been passionate about women’s health and has helped grow the breast health program at SLVH.  He advocated for the addition of the 3-D Mammography unit followed by the stereotactic breast biopsy machine.

Allen cares about the women of the SLV and has been instrumental in increasing services for them. He started the ultrasound breast screening program and has worked with surgeons to trial technology involved with lumpectomy procedures for patients at SLV Health.

County commissioner Lori Laske, vice president of the SLV Health Foundation, welcomed guests followed by remarks from Carmelo Hernandez, chief medical officer. He reminded attendees that the event had raised money in the past for the cancer center, much-needed equipment, and other hospital expansions.

Dr. Hernandez also recognized the hospital’s senior team members in attendance.

A live auction of ten items and a paddle auction at varying degrees of giving resulted in the bulk of the fundraising. Alamosa State Bank provided a $15,000 match to the paddle auction.

Several Adams State management and staff members were among the major contributors in the fundraising effort.