Family loses baby to CDH, asking for help from community


MONTE VISTA — Ezio Emilio Trujillo was born to Adam and Daniella Trujillo on April 21, 2021. Early on Daniella got the sad news of a diagnosis of Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia (CDH) when she was 20 weeks pregnant with Ezio.

According to, CDH is a birth defect in which the diaphragm, the muscle that separates the abdomen from the chest, does not develop completely. This causes a hole that allows abdominal organs to migrate into the chest. When this occurs, there is not enough space for the lungs to develop normally, making it hard for the baby to breathe.

With the diagnosis of CDH, the Trujillos had to have their son on a gastrostomy tube, and he was also tracheostomy dependent shortly after he was born.

“He was so strong, even though he had been through so much, he was always so happy,” the family stated.

On Feb. 26, Ezio’s oxygen began to drop and he began turning blue. The Trujillos called for emergency help and performed CPR until help arrived, but try as they might, they were unable to save their baby and after being flown out, Ezio passed away on March 1.

The Trujillos have many medical costs and now funeral costs that they are having a hard time paying and are reaching out to the community for any support that residents are willing to offer.

For more information, visit their Go Fund Me page, under Ezio E Trujillo Funeral Costs.