City Recreation Director Taylor presents flooring options


MONTE VISTA — City Council held a meeting on Thursday, Jan. 5. An announcement was made at the meeting that Loren Howard was resigning from the Planning and Zoning committee and there would be a vacant position posted on the City of Monte Vista website, for interested parties.

Recreation Director for the City of Monte Vista, Dervin Taylor made a presentation on the addition of new basketball court floors to the Outcalt Event and Conference at SLV Ski Hi Complex.

In a previous council meeting, it was discussed that the basketball court floors that had been purchased for the complex, were bulky, and heavy and would require an enormous amount of manpower to lay down and pull back up for sporting events at the complex. The council elected to put the courts up for sale and to purchase new courts. Taylor gave a presentation on the new courts to show council members what the new flooring would look like and talked about the progress.

“We are moving along with the floors. Since you OK’d it to sell the floors, we are going to put those out for bid now, and we are also going to purchase some other floors to put out at Ski Hi. I brought in two samples of different floors. One is this one right here, it’s like a plastic type of deal, that is one sample.”

Taylor held up the sample of the flooring. Taylor also had Chief of the Monte Vista Police Department, George Dingfelder, assist him in holding up the other piece of flooring that he showed to council members.

Taylor explained that the type of floor that Chief Dingfelder held up was more of a synthetic type of floor.

“That’s the type of floor that we are actually looking at putting in,” explained Taylor. “Like I said it will be tedious, but one person could actually put all of these up. We have lots of folks that are going to volunteer to put these up. The company that we get these from is actually going to come out for the first time and help put these out for us. Like I said state championship Volleyball and basketball have been played on this floor, its awesome floor. I just wanted to let you all see what we will be purchasing.”

Council woman Martha Lock asked Taylor which floor he preferred.

“The synthetic rubbery type of floor, that floor would be a whole lot better. It’s great for the kids. We are looking at hopefully leaving these set up for a while. That floor right there can even be driven on by trucks,” Taylor said.

Taylor set the flooring up for council members to look at, and he also passed pieces of the flooring around to people who attended the meeting.

Mayor Dale Becker asked if there were people interested in purchasing the other floors, and Taylor responded by saying that the people that the city would be purchasing the new floors from, knew of another interested party, that would like to purchase the other floors from the city.

City Manager Gigi Dennis said that although there was someone who already wanted the floors, that city charter still had to be followed when putting the other flooring up for sale, that was the reason for the bidding on the flooring.

Taylor explained the process.

“We are going to put it out to bid, and we are going to leave it out for two weeks,” Taylor said. “We will than decide who gets to bid. We will open up formally at let’s say 5 p.m. at a certain time to listen to all of the bids. We have total control over the bid. We would like to have a competitive bid.”  

No decision was made on the new flooring by council members, but all council members did examine the flooring.

The next City Council meeting will be held on Jan. 19.