City of MV begins mosquito spraying on May 12


MONTE VISTA — The City of Monte Vista Public Work Department will begin its annual mosquito spraying operations on May 12 and will continue each Thursday evening through the middle of September. Spraying will be from 8 p.m. and 1 a.m.

Residents can assist city mosquito control efforts by eliminating standing water within their yards and regularly changing water in things like pools and birdbaths.

During operations, the city uses a combination of larvicides and adulticides. Larvicides are used in public areas of standing water and the adulticides that are applied are done through truck-mounted aerial operations. These machines emit a fine spray into the air, and the city asks that during these operations residents close windows and doors as well as limit outside activities and prevent children from following the trucks.

The city’s mosquito control operations encompass the city limits of Monte Vista and extend to Spruce and Pine streets off Sherman Avenue.

“We also recognize that some residents may have an aversion to the chemicals we use; so for those residents we have an application form that you may request to be placed on the Do Not Spray list,” city officials stated. “In order to be placed on our “Do Not Spray” list, residents must contact Robert Vance, Public Works Director at either 719-852-8281 or by email at”

There are several factors that affect these operations, weather, wind and mosquito concentration. If conditions include rain or wind above 10 mph, both prevent the city from continuing spraying operations.

Due to the nature of the application methods the city only sprays on Thursdays so if the above-mentioned conditions prevent spraying on Thursday they will not spray again until the following Thursday.

In situations where the concentration of mosquitos becomes excessive the city will add Tuesdays to the list but only until the concentration lessens. If this occurs, it will be noticed on the city’s website  and Facebook page

For tips on mosquito bite prevention, visit

For more information, contact Robert Vance by email at or by phone 719-852-8281.