City Council looking to add to Planning Commission

Board will grow from three to five and receive stipend


MONTE VISTA — Monte Vista City Council approved increasing the size of the Planning and Zoning Commission and paying board members at its meeting on Jan. 20.

In other matters, Brandon Doss was added to the City's IT team and Rio Grande County Judge Barbara Zollers said the court was seeing fewer traffic cases probably due to people traveling less due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

City Manager Gigi Dennis opened the discussion about the Planning and Zoning Commission and ultimately recommended that the council look to the community and recruit two more members for it and offer a stipend. The MV Planning and Zoning Commission meets once a month for 1-2 hours.

Currently, there are three members on the Planning and Zoning Commission and Dennis and the City Council agreed that it would be better to have five members.

Dennis said the current board would feel more comfortable meeting again when the two new members are added.

Dennis also said she would write up some questions and the council could either read answers from applicants or interview the applicants personally whichever they preferred.

City Attorney Michael Trujillo agreed with the proposed stipend per meeting.

“It's very hard to find people to sit on this type of a board, and also stay on the board. I think a little payment would probably help recruit someone,” he said.

Dennis said she was optimistic about finding two more people for the commission. She was actively recruiting people and they seemed interested in being on the board.

A motion was made and passed for the recruitment of members for the Planning and Zoning Commission, along with the payment of a stipend of $40 per meeting.

Doss was formally introduced and welcomed to the City. Doss will be full-time. Doss is a Monte Vista resident and was also an intern with the Boys and Girls Club, and the City of Alamosa over the summer. Doss has an IT Fundamentals Certificate and has been working with the City's IT Department for three weeks.

The next City Council meeting is scheduled for Feb. 3.