Business launches body and home botanical line with a mission


ALAMOSA — Wendi’s Good Things Market, has recently introduced a body and home care line, called, “Noel Botanicals.”

Owner and founder of Wendi’s Good Things Market, Wendi Seger shared with Valley Publishing what inspired them to create this new product line.

Seger shared that when their daughter Noelle was born 11 weeks early in 2002, they both barely survived the experience.

“She was really tiny,” Seger said. “She was born really early, and it affected her learning. She had a lot of difficulties in school but what she lacks in her ability in school she really picked up with amazing abilities with animals, insects, and birds.”

Seger said that Noelle was the complete inspiration behind this skin care line saying, “We’ve always said if we could bottle up her ability to just really commune with nature and to find such beauty in simple surroundings it would change the world.”

The new Noel Botanical line is a family venture, and their entire family is involved in the making of the products, packaging, and shipping. Seger shared this is not the first time she’s done skin care. Twenty-five years ago, she had a business selling homemade soap called, “Seger’s Soaps.” Today they’ve reworked an outbuilding on their farm to create a small production facility in Del Norte.

Currently the new product line offers, scent diffusers, soap, hand cream, and body cream. They plan on releasing more products in the future.

“We plan on rolling out different products quite regularly,” Seger said. “Definitely seasonally. We’ll also do candles. We plan on expanding quite a bit.”

They use as much all-natural ingredients as possible in their products.

“We use high-quality ingredients. It’s also really important to us to use high-quality ingredients that are non-toxic,” said Seger.

A portion of their revenue from the line will also go toward experiential learning opportunities in nature for children and young adults with different learning styles.

“I think one of the things we found for Noelle is that there was not a lot of, in the Valley at least, different experiential learning for kids that don’t learn like other kids do. They have the ability to learn, they just learn differently. So, we feel like there’s a huge gap in the Valley for experiential learning. Hands on, for kids that really use their senses to learn. So, being able to help fund programs that support that is really important,” said Seger adding, “Right now we’re learning what there is. We would really like to fund programs that are in the San Luis Valley just because there’s such a need here. Perhaps as we get larger, we could donate elsewhere but our heart is really in the Valley, giving to programs in the Valley.”

Noel Botanical products are available at Wendi’s Good Things Market located inside Seger’s restaurant Locavores in Alamosa. They can also be found online at

They are in the process of wholesaling their products to other stores across the country.

“Our intention is to grow it outside the Valley. I think we continue to be as owners of Locavores, and the Market, and now this brand, a real advocate for creating products in the Valley and exporting them out. Not just agriculture, but we have a lot of creativity and ideas here in the Valley and instead of us only being consumers of things we really like the idea of creating products that are exported out of the Valley. Then that income stays in the Valley,” said Seger.