Bobolicious Coffee holds ribbon cutting and grand opening


MONTE VISTA — The Bobolicious Coffee Shop had its grand opening celebration on Wednesday, Nov. 1. The coffee shop is inside the Vali 3 Theater on Adams Street. Owners Rendall and Cyndi Wright cut the ribbon.

About 25 people attended the ribbon cutting ceremony. Monte Vista Chamber of Commerce Manager Heather Hillin welcomed the business to Downtown Monte Vista.

“We are so excited to have you here in our town and share your wonderful coffee with everyone here in the Valley,” Hillin said.

Cyndi Wright thanked everyone for attending.

“I am so emotional right now,” Cyndi said with tears in her voice. “Everyone coming out just means the world to us. We are so happy that you are all here. Thank you for enjoying conversations together here in the coffee shop. Thank you all so much from the bottom of my heart for being here.”

Cyndi then took the big pair of scissors and with her husband holding one side of the ribbon, cut the ribbon, and everyone cheered and clapped. Wright was emotional for the ribbon cutting, the business opening, and because her mother could attend the ceremony.

Cyndi said that the coffee business had been a dream for the couple since about 2019. The Wrights have lived in Monte Vista almost all their lives. They raised their children here. After retiring from their main careers in 2021, they decided to start the business.

Cyndi said that they attended farmer’s markets, and many vendors shows and were always pleased that the public seemed to like their coffee.

“We would always get compliments and felt really good about them. People would tell us wow you have the best coffee; we were grateful. We enjoyed attending the vending events and farmer’s markets. Everyone seemed to really like our coffee,” she said.

Cyndi said that her husband is the roaster, and he really enjoys what he does. She said they always try to select the best beans and take pride in only serving a high-end bean.

“My husband has a passion for finding the best roasts to really showcase a bean. He likes to create blends, and those can be tricky. One blend that we have, which is a harvest blend, I really want to compliment and talk about because he did an amazing job capturing the flavor. When I say flavor it’s the natural bean, and the combo of the beans that capture the flavor,” Cyndi said.

Cyndi said that she thought they would always do roast to order but that changed as she started attending events.

“We really did think that we would always only do roast to order, but then we were invited to participate in the Holiday Bazaar last Christmas. We were encouraged to participate in other events, and it has just grown. Our customer base has really grown there. So, our minds changed as well,” she said.

Cyndi said that the most rewarding thing she has ever experienced in the coffee business is when someone takes a drink, and she can tell they like it.

“Just seeing that look on people’s faces. To see that people really enjoy our product means so much to us. To hear them say, wow this is really good. That’s when you know you have done something right and it really means something,” she said.

Cyndi said that they enjoyed selling coffee and hoped for their own shop someday but did not expect the call she received from Bob Richards about opening the coffee shop in the theatre.

“Bob called me and talked about opening the theater, and about his vision of a coffee shop in the theater. As some people know he is not a coffee drinker, but his wife is,” Cyndi said with a chuckle. “His wife Jeanna told Bob that our coffee was the best. Bob told me about his vision and opening the shop, and how he wanted to have us bring our coffee to the theater and have a shop here. It was like it was all meant to be. We wanted our coffee in the community, and we were given the opportunity and now it’s here and we are just so happy that it’s all working out.”

Cyndi said that they are always thinking of the community and trying to give back as much as they can.

“We have first responder coffee in our shop. When first responders come in, we always give them a free cup of coffee. We appreciate all they do for the community. We also sell first responder coffee in a bag. A portion of the bag sales goes right back into the community. We give that to the first responders fund,” she said.

Cyndi said that the name for the coffee shop came from her grandbaby who decided to call her Bobo instead of Grandma, so they decided to use that for the coffee shop.

“It was really cute, and we decided to use that as the name of the shop Bobolicious Coffee,” she said.