SmartAsset evaluated the latest IRS data to see which households from different states are moving into Florida—and which states Floridians are relocating to.
Jaclyn DeJohn, CFP
Feng Cheng // Shutterstock
Florida is attracting lots of Americans. After accounting for households that moved out of the state, Florida gained 125,316 households from other states in the 2022 tax year. And most of the households coming in are bringing higher incomes than those leaving. This influx of new residents can give Florida economic momentum.
With this in mind, SmartAsset evaluated the latest IRS data to see which households from different states are moving into Florida—and which states Floridians are relocating to.
Key Findings
New York households moved to Florida at more than double the rate of any other state. 51,967 households moved from New York to Florida, while 18,948 Floridian households moved to the Empire State. Florida netted the most households from New York at 33,019. The average AGI for households moving in either direction was roughly $185,000.
Georgia is the most popular destination for Floridians leaving. While 24,383 Georgia households moved to Florida, second only to New York, even more Floridians moved out to Georgia at 26,876 households—the top destination for those who moved out of the Sunshine State.
Florida captures wealth from New Jersey and California. 24,011 Californian households moved into Florida with $187,025 AGI, compared to 23,128 New Jersey households with $228,205 average AGI. After accounting for households who left for these states, Florida new transplants were second-most from New Jersey and third-most from California.
Illinois households moving to Florida are bringing the most money. Ranking seventh overall with 17,728 households moving into the Sunshine State, Illinois transplants brought an average $231,364 AGI with them. Meanwhile, 7,973 Floridian households with an average AGI of $102,996 moved to Illinois.
Top 10 States People Are Moving to Florida From
States are ranked by the gross number of households moving into Florida.
New York
Households moving into Florida: 51,967
Individuals moving into Florida: 88,344
Average AGI of households moving into Florida: $182,895
Households leaving Florida for this state: 18,948
Individuals leaving Florida for this state: 28,134
Average AGI of households moving out of Florida: $187,782
Net households moved into Florida: 33,019
Net individuals moved into Florida: 60,210
Households moving into Florida: 24,383
Individuals moving into Florida: 43,402
Average AGI of households moving into Florida: $111,667
Households leaving Florida for this state: 26,876
Individuals leaving Florida for this state: 48,301
Average AGI of households moving out of Florida: $69,096
Net households moved into Florida: -2,493
Net individuals moved into Florida: -4,899
Households moving into Florida: 24,011
Individuals moving into Florida: 42,412
Average AGI of households moving into Florida: $187,025
Households leaving Florida for this state: 13,064
Individuals leaving Florida for this state: 19,928
Average AGI of households moving out of Florida: $120,948
Net households moved into Florida: 10,947
Net individuals moved into Florida: 22,484
New Jersey
Households moving into Florida: 23,128
Individuals moving into Florida: 41,610
Average AGI of households moving into Florida: $228,205
Households leaving Florida for this state: 7,976
Individuals leaving Florida for this state: 12,539
Average AGI of households moving out of Florida: $109,136
Net households moved into Florida: 15,152
Net individuals moved into Florida: 29,071
Households moving into Florida: 21,221
Individuals moving into Florida: 37,777
Average AGI of households moving into Florida: $114,175
Households leaving Florida for this state: 22,277
Individuals leaving Florida for this state: 38,873
Average AGI of households moving out of Florida: $80,633
Net households moved into Florida: -1,056
Net individuals moved into Florida: -1,096
Households moving into Florida: 18,666
Individuals moving into Florida: 32,347
Average AGI of households moving into Florida: $157,124
Households leaving Florida for this state: 9,878
Individuals leaving Florida for this state: 16,040
Average AGI of households moving out of Florida: $107,578
Net households moved into Florida: 8,788
Net individuals moved into Florida: 16,307
Households moving into Florida: 17,728
Individuals moving into Florida: 31,620
Average AGI of households moving into Florida: $231,364
Households leaving Florida for this state: 7,973
Individuals leaving Florida for this state: 12,521
Average AGI of households moving out of Florida: $102,996
Net households moved into Florida: 9,755
Net individuals moved into Florida: 19,099
Households moving into Florida: 15,486
Individuals moving into Florida: 28,685
Average AGI of households moving into Florida: $144,672
Households leaving Florida for this state: 11,342
Individuals leaving Florida for this state: 20,073
Average AGI of households moving out of Florida: $79,558
Net households moved into Florida: 4,144
Net individuals moved into Florida: 8,612
North Carolina
Households moving into Florida: 15,362
Individuals moving into Florida: 27,207
Average AGI of households moving into Florida: $118,980
Households leaving Florida for this state: 18,962
Individuals leaving Florida for this state: 33,289
Average AGI of households moving out of Florida: $82,017
Net households moved into Florida: -3,600
Net individuals moved into Florida: -6,082
Households moving into Florida: 14,584
Individuals moving into Florida: 24,851
Average AGI of households moving into Florida: $162,979
Households leaving Florida for this state: 10,157
Individuals leaving Florida for this state: 17,046
Average AGI of households moving out of Florida: $84,329
Net households moved into Florida: 4,427
Net individuals moved into Florida: 7,805
Top 10 Places Where Floridian Households Are Moving to
States are ranked by the gross number of Floridian households that moved to them.
Households leaving Florida: 26,876
Individuals leaving Florida: 48,301
Average AGI of households moving out of Florida: $69,096
Households moving into Florida: 24,383
Individuals moving into Florida: 43,402
Average AGI of households moving into Florida: $111,667
Net households moved into Florida: -2,493
Net individuals moved into Florida: -4,899
Households leaving Florida: 22,277
Individuals leaving Florida: 38,873
Average AGI of households moving out of Florida: $80,633
Households moving into Florida: 21,221
Individuals moving into Florida: 37,777
Average AGI of households moving into Florida: $114,175
Net households moved into Florida: -1,056
Net individuals moved into Florida: -1,096
North Carolina
Households leaving Florida: 18,962
Individuals leaving Florida: 33,289
Average AGI of households moving out of Florida: $82,017
Households moving into Florida: 15,362
Individuals moving into Florida: 27,207
Average AGI of households moving into Florida: $118,980
Net households moved into Florida: -3,600
Net individuals moved into Florida: -6,082
New York
Households leaving Florida: 18,948
Individuals leaving Florida: 28,134
Average AGI of households moving out of Florida: $187,782
Households moving into Florida: 51,967
Individuals moving into Florida: 88,344
Average AGI of households moving into Florida: $182,895
Net households moved into Florida: 33,019
Net individuals moved into Florida: 60,210
Households leaving Florida: 13,064
Individuals leaving Florida: 19,928
Average AGI of households moving out of Florida: $120,948
Households moving into Florida: 24,011
Individuals moving into Florida: 42,412
Average AGI of households moving into Florida: $187,025
Net households moved into Florida: 10,947
Net individuals moved into Florida: 22,484
Households leaving Florida: 12,192
Individuals leaving Florida: 21,485
Average AGI of households moving out of Florida: $91,754
Households moving into Florida: 9,976
Individuals moving into Florida: 17,849
Average AGI of households moving into Florida: $106,791
Net households moved into Florida: -2,216
Net individuals moved into Florida: -3,636
Households leaving Florida: 11,342
Individuals leaving Florida: 20,073
Average AGI of households moving out of Florida: $79,558
Households moving into Florida: 15,486
Individuals moving into Florida: 28,685
Average AGI of households moving into Florida: $144,672
Net households moved into Florida: 4,144
Net individuals moved into Florida: 8,612
Households leaving Florida: 10,157
Individuals leaving Florida: 17,046
Average AGI of households moving out of Florida: $84,329
Households moving into Florida: 14,584
Individuals moving into Florida: 24,851
Average AGI of households moving into Florida: $162,979
Net households moved into Florida: 4,427
Net individuals moved into Florida: 7,805
Households leaving Florida: 9,878
Individuals leaving Florida: 16,040
Average AGI of households moving out of Florida: $107,578
Households moving into Florida: 18,666
Individuals moving into Florida: 32,347
Average AGI of households moving into Florida: $157,124
Net households moved into Florida: 8,788
Net individuals moved into Florida: 16,307
South Carolina
Households leaving Florida: 8,412
Individuals leaving Florida: 15,000
Average AGI of households moving out of Florida: $79,319
Households moving into Florida: 7,495
Individuals moving into Florida: 13,193
Average AGI of households moving into Florida: $91,916
Net households moved into Florida: -917
Net individuals moved into Florida: -1,807
Data and Methodology
SmartAsset examined the latest IRS data, which comes from the 2021 and 2022 tax years to determine the number of individuals and households moving to and from Florida within the U.S., as well as the average adjusted gross income they bring with them.