Matthew Martinez will work hard for the San Luis Valley and Colorado House District 62.
This past weekend found Miss Trixie and Ol’ Dutch traversing the plains of North Texas and through Oklahoma’s Arbuckle Mountains in a journey back in time. For it was home to Kansas for me and the 70th anniversary of the founding of my home church.
The new moon was on the 25th, we still have beautiful dark skies for viewing. The Milky Way is beginning to move from the South to the Southwest as Earth's solar orbit changes into the autumn position. The other end still appears in the NE. Don't forget to look for the Taurid fireballs in the eastern evening sky.
Algol is one of the stars in the constellation Persius that sits below Cassiopeia. Its Arabic name means head of the ghoul, or head of the demon. Beta Persei is the official name, but Algol is more common because of what it means.
I do not suppose there has ever been a larger jump in technology than there has been in the last decade. And some would say it really all took a light year leap forward in about 1947 with the crash of the UFO at Roswell, New Mexico, where the U.S. Government supposedly reverse engineered alien technology found in the flying saucer recovered there. For it was then that the transistor was “invented” and suddenly we were in a new era that led to a communication unrivaled since Eve gave Adam the apple. And we all know how that turned out.
We’ve been getting a lot of rain which is good, but hopefully the sky will have cleared, and we can welcome the Harvest Moon!
There is an old poem written by Samuel Taylor Coleridge named “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” and before you say I have a typo in the title of the poem and it should be “Rhyme,” it's not. I guess he didn't have a spell check on his laptop back in 1798 at the time he wrote it or something.
Queen Cassiopeia is the wife of Cepheus. She's represented as being chained upside down to her throne in the sky as punishment for boasting that her daughter Andromeda was more beautiful that the daughters of the sea god Nereus.
This Thursday marks the Fall Equinox, the time when the tilt of the earth is neither away from nor closer to the Sun and in fact the Sun is shining directly on the equator. This provides those of us on Earth with “nearly” equal amounts of daylight no matter the latitude where you live.