MONTE VISTA — When Stephen Nicholson opened his keynote speech “Our Challenges and Opportunities: There is Much to Consider” at the Southern Rocky Mountain Agricultural Conference on Wednesday, he began with the challenges facing the San Luis Valley. He didn’t pull any punches. But no one in the room was caught by surprise, either.
MONTE VISTA – The 43rd annual Southern Rocky Mountain Agriculture Conference and Trade Show is just around the corner, scheduled for Feb. 4-6.
Over New Year’s weekend, San Luis Valley Valley 4-H members traveled to Arizona to participate in the prestigious Arizona National Livestock Judging Contest. The event challenged participants to evaluate eight classes of livestock: Market Steers, Breeding Heifers, Market Lambs, Breeding Ewes, Market Goats, Wether Dam Does, Breeding Gilts, and Market Hogs.
MONTE VISTA – City Manager GiGi Dennis recently spoke about the exciting things that are happening in town for 2025, and what people can expect.
MONTE VISTA – For the past 46 years, Timi Medina has kept the recipe for his grandmother’s and mother’s tamales alive. He enjoys making tamales for his family during the holidays.
MONTE VISTA – There was a slight chill in the air and snow was still on the ground, as nearly 70 people gathered at the Wreaths Across America ceremony at Homelake Cemetery on Dec. 14.
MONTE VISTA – Faith Hinkley Veteran’s Memorial Park was officially completed and rededicated on Saturday, Dec. 7. The event began with an introduction from Phillip Mackey, who announced the Color Guard. The Del Norte choir sang the national anthem. Rio Grande County Commissioner Scott Deacon led the Pledge of Allegiance. Pastor Steve Dunkel gave a prayer.
MONTE VISTA – The City of Monte Vista has rescheduled the rededication of the Faith Hinkley Veteran’s Memorial Park to 11 a.m. on Saturday Dec. 7, after it was postponed due weather earlier this month.
MONTE VISTA — Jim Ehrlich, the longtime Colorado Potato Administrative Committee Executive Director, has retired. After 18 years on the job, Ehrlich retired on Oct. 31 and looks forward to staying in the Valley and continuing his commitment to community service. Ehrlich grew up on a dairy farm in Northern Colorado and has been active in agriculture his entire life.
MONTE VISTA – Valley Publishing has relocated from Monte Vista to the office of the Valley Courier, 2205 State Ave., in Alamosa. The temporary phone number is 719-589-2553. Be sure to ask …
MONTE VISTA — As part of office consolidation, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will be closing its outdated office in Monte Vista. The closure does not affect any of the wildlife refuges in the area and all of the impacted employees have already been reassigned to the Alamosa office on El Rancho Lane.
Sasha DuPont and Jacob Pacheco are the Monte Vista High School Homecoming Queen and King for 2024.
MONTE VISTA – The City of Monte Vista, Xcel Energy and the Monte Vista Chamber of Commerce held a ribbon cutting for the city’s first public electric vehicle charging stations on Thursday, Sept. 26, in the parking lot at the corner of First Avenue and Jefferson Street.
MONTE VISTA – The manager of the new O’Reilly Auto Parts store, Austyn James used a big pair of scissors to cut the red ribbon strung in front of the business at 60 North Broadway St., Monte Vista, on Saturday, Sept. 21.
MONTE VISTA - On Sept. 13, Monte Vista High School held a Back to School Bash. The bash was organized by the Monte Vista School Parent-Teacher Organization with sponsorship from the LOR Foundation. The Back to School Bash was held at the high school baseball field, and everyone was welcome to attend.
MONTE VISTA – On Saturday morning, Chapman Park was already filling up with people, for the annual San Luis Valley Potato Festival, that marks the harvest of the Valley’s signature crop – potatoes.
MONTE VISTA – The San Luis Valley Potato Festival is less than a week away. This year’s festival will be held on Sept. 7 at Chapman Park in Monte Vista.
MONTE VISTA – Two men were arrested by Monte Vista Police Department officers on Tuesday morning, Sept. 3, after a report of shots being fired from their vehicle.
MONTE VISTA – Monte Vista has seen its share of rain over the past few weeks, but on Saturday, Aug. 17, SoCo Suds and Sounds featuring the Poor Boy Car Club Car Show, and Valley Veterans ReCreation are the ones who brought the Thunder to Chapman Park, with over 3,000 attendees at the event this year, and 130 car show entries.
MONTE VISTA – Once a year, Homelake Veterans have a special breakfast that is cooked just for them at the picnic grounds in Rock Creek. Veterans Community Living Center at Homelake …